Monday, July 5, 2010

Back in the US-- Finally a Fast WiFi Connection

In Ft Lauderdale. Plane is about to take off. Will be pressed for time over the next few days. Pictures and videos will be available when I get a chance.

This trip has been wonderful. I saw some really cool things, and got a chance to really relax.

Now it is time for a word from our sponsors.

This trip would not have been possible without West Georgia Technical College and IKEA. If it had not been for them, I would not have been richer than ever before, and I would not have been able to afford this trip.

This trip was also brought to you by Stone Mountain Park. If I had not climbed Stone Mountain forty times over the one hundred days before my trip, I would have never been able to do the walking I did at the high altitude and up so many hills.

A special thanks also goes out to Spirit Air. If the company and their pilots had not come to an agreement on wages, the strike might never have ended, and I may have had to change my plans and go Las Vegas or the Grand Canyon or someplace else closer to home.

Oh! And I can't forget the wonderful people at the Hostal Pension Alemana in Cusco. The people of Cusco are terrific, but the people at the Hostal Pension Alemana were the best!

(I'll have to find their website later; the plane is boarding.)


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