Sunday, July 4, 2010

Leaving for the US today

Last day here. I am actually looking forward to getting back home.


Enjoyed seeing downtown Lima. Experienced it all on foot. My dogs are still achin' me.

First stopped by a set of ruins here in Miraflores called --------. We had a cool tour guide whose services were included in the ticket price(!). The people whe built this site predated the Incas by as many years as the Inca predated us. To protect against damage due to earthquakes, the hand-made mud bricks were laid vertically instead of horizontally. They built a step pyramid temple, which was later abandoned, fell into disrepair, became covered in dust and debris, and eventually began to look like a big hill in the landscape. In the 1900s, a large portion of the site was destroyed when the city expanded into its space, but the part that stands now was saved and is still in the process of being excavated. While my tour group was there, the excavation team found a fossilized frog.

Downtown Lima is several miles away, but I walked all the way there, stopping several times along the way to grab some snacks at the cafes. Real lunch was found at a mondern foot court where I had some Chineese food much like what you would find at Panda Express, just not as good.

At the Plaza de Armas, there was a big fan plex area for the World Cup, where Spain was playing Paraguay. It was weird to walk through there, as everyone was staring at the big screen TV.

Then it was off to the Iglesia de San Francisco. Beutiful church. On the museum tour, we got to see the catacombs! I was not at all grossed out by all the bones. But I was freaked out by the small enclosed space. I was in a fairly large tour group, and the closeness we experienced was highly uncomfortable. I was also very worried that there would be an earthquake, and we would be the final people laid to rest in the catacombes.

On the way back, I stopped in San Isidro, where there is a park full of olive trees. Apparently the park was an orchard before the city engulfed it. The park was a nice respite from the city, which is constantly hoppin'.

I found a grocery store, where I bought some Pisco to take home with me. I want to try my hand at making Pisco Sour.

Off to the airport later today. Flight departs latelatelate tonight. Arrival in Atlanta earlyearlyearly tomorrow.


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