Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Getting used to the altitude, relaxing.

Altitude sickness has been very mild, but it has been affecting me. Very minor nosebleed early on. Very mild, dull headache now. Drinking plenty of water. Luckily, sparkling water is all over the place here.

Napped soon after arriving. Woke up with enough time to grab some food and scope out some of the touristy things around here.

Ate some "authentic Peruvian cuisine" for starters. Visited the Plaza de Armas, where a parade was taking place. Many, many groups of young people showing off their dancing skills.


Continued walking around and enjoyed some cake and cafe mocha before heading back to the hotel. It will be an early night for me.

The alarm is set for early. Will attempt to hike to some of the ruins near my hotel in the morning if I am feeling up to it. You know, Cuzco is about two miles above sea level. My 40 trips up stone Mountain in the last 100 days helped me out when it comes to walking up the hills, but I do not know yet about taking a several mile walk in even more hilly terrain. I'll play it by ear in the morning.


  1. You'll adjust to the altitude quickly! Am enjoying your blog.

  2. dianahair1973, you were right!

    I am glad you are enjoying it. It looks like pictures and videos will not be available until I am back stateside.

