Monday, June 14, 2010

I made my first ever trip to R.E.I. yesterday.

I never had the opportunity to go to R.E.I. before.

It is an interesting place. There are so many places to shop now-a-days where there are no employees to help you. But at this place, they are falling all over themselves to help people find what they need.

The young lady who checked me out just couldn't get over the fact that I was going to Peru, and for two weeks! You would have thought she thought I had invented the idea. I guess that since I rarely shop at places that are so customer-focused and that cater to the consumer class, I can get a little uncomfortable when someone pays so much attention to me.

I bought a new backpack and a few other incidental items while I was there. I am looking forward to the 10% rebate/dividend check once a year. I am proabably going back to get something to carry my laptop in, because I have decided that it is coming with me. Apparently wireless is everywhere in Lima and Cuzco.

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