Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tipon (finally!)

Pictures? Videos? Still coming later due to slow wi-fi connection. Look for them sometime in early July after I am back in the US and after school is in swing. I have some new video from my archeological site visit today (using my camera). I have no idea if I will ever be able to salvage my videos on my iPod. We will see.

For what it is worth, yesterday I felt like this town had chewed me up and spit me out! Rain, trouble getting to Tipon, and more caused me to want to throw a pity party.

During my pity party, I spent some of the time on youtube. One of the things I discovered is that there are at least two "Golden Girls The Musical"s-- one in New York, and one in L.A. Hello? That was my idea at least five years ago??? But of course my version was going to have real stars in it including Cher playing Dorothy.

Today was much, much better. I slept until 8. Then got started toward Tipon.

Without going into too much detail, despite trying to be careful about the water I drink, I think I developed some sort of intestinal virus. Yuck! I have been eating the free breakfast here at the hotel, which I skipped today. I feel much better.

Y'know I am still having a lot of trouble shaking the fact that I used to be a poor person. So whenever something is free or cheap, I still jump at it, even if it may not be good for me. This morning, I stopped by one of the neighborhood restaurants for breakfast. I splurged on American-style pancakes and sausage, and delicious mocha. M'mm.

But really, I need to start spending more money. If I am not careful, I will be taking some of the Peruvian money I brought with me home with me. I do not want that.

I still got a little lost trying to catch the bus to Tipon. It is also not where it says on the internet that it would be. But I found it today. 38 cents got me a one-way hour-long ride to the town. Then I paid mucho dinero ($4) for the 30-minute taxi ride to the site at the top. My cabbie Freddy tried to talk to me in Spanish the whole way. I did a lot of nodding. We cleared up the fact that "bull" in English is "toro" in Spanish. And I clarified to him that I wanted to walk down the mountain for free on the way back.

Tipon is marvelous. I think I like it the best of the sites that I have seen so far. The site is a place where there was a vast irrigation system that still is functioning today. While there, of course I walked as far up as I could, and then walked farther than what appeared to be the normal park area. There is an "Inca trail" section, which I did not explore very much. There is also a section of an Inca canal that went way up the mountain. I thought I could follow it up to its source, but it was just too high.

A nice couple took some pictures of me, and yes, Mother, there is a picture of me smiling and facing the sun. It will be uploaded as soon as possible. (No, Mother, I do not remember if my teeth were showing when I smiled.)

On the way down, I got see a boy riding a horse up the mountain, and I got to see a girl and her mother leading a couple of bulls up the mountain. A swear a couple of scoundrels threw a rock at me. I at some ice cream, and listened to the singing that was taking place at the local parish church. It sounded like the preacher was doing most of the singing, and the congregation was sitting there waiting for something else to happen. I did not go in.

Back in Cusco it was time for lunch (at 3:30??). One of the restaurants I wanted to eat at was not there anymore but the one in its place was delicous. The food in Peru is truly marvelous. Today it was vegetable cream soup, and some sort of vegetable curry. More Pisco Sour-- M'mmm; probably the best I've had here so far, but not the one with the most Pisco in it. Y'know potatoes are big here-- eaten 'em. So is corn-- haven't had any yet. Whenever I try to order something with corn in it, they seem to be out of it. Just like today.

It's now almost 6 and I am going to bed soon. I am heading out to Ollotaytambo (sp?) tomorrow. Wakeup call is at 4. Bus ride: 2-3 hours. I am hoping a can get a seat on the bus, so that I can do some reading or something.

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