Sunday, June 20, 2010

Help me decide what to do during week 2 in Peru.

15 hours until the flight departs.

I will be stuck in the Ft Lauderdale airport for about 8 hours tomorrow, and I'll be stuck in the Lima airport overnight for about 8 hours before my flight for Cusco leaves Tuesday morning. So I am going to have plenty of time to read up on how to use my new, f.i.r.s.t. digital camera, including uploading pictures and videos online.
I'll be the Cusco area near Machu Picchu for the first week.

Then I will fly back to Lima, and I will have to decide what I need to do next.

Help! I need help deciding what to do with my second week.

1. I can spend a week in Lima. Pros: No more traveling around on trains, buses, or planes until it is time to go to America. Cons: May not be enough to do in a week. Smoggy.

2. I can spend a day or two in Lima, followed by some time in Huancayo. Pros: Smaller town. Near a glacier; I can do a day trip to the glacier and walk on it. Cons: I would be wasting the better part of two days on a bus.

3. I spend a day or two in Lima, followed by some time in Arequipa and Lake Titicaca. Pros: Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world. Arequipa, Peru's second city is supposed to be beautiful. I can get there on a plane in about 2 hours. Cons: Lake Titicaca does not look all that "pretty" to me in pictures I have seen.

What do you think? I have left June 29 through July 4 open decide on later. If you give me your opinons, I'll take them into consideration.


  1. ATLien927, thanks for your input.
    Freshen, thanks for your input in fb.

    Unfortunately, I changed my mind about how long I would stay in Cuzco. So both of your choices are not possible. I will be in Cuzco until Friday. Then I will be in Lima for two days before I return.

    I want to come back to Peru in the future. Then I will go to Huancayo and Arequippa/Lake Titicaca.

